Renaming multiple objects in maya+Mel resources

good mel script site

in case he delete it one day

// Copyright (C) 2008 Rod Green
// All rights reserved.
// Website:

// ---------- Global variables
 global string $pointerObjString = "objectPointerMessage";

// ---------- Utility procedures
 global proc string padInt(int $inputInt, int $length)
  if($length < 1) return "";
  string $returnString = $inputInt;
  for($i = size($returnString); $i < $length; $i++) $returnString = ("0" + $returnString);
  return $returnString;

 global proc string[] getSelection()
  return (ls("-selection", "-long", "-flatten"));

 global proc string renameLong(string $object, string $newName)
  return longNameOf(rename($object, $newName));

 global proc string newTransform(string $name)
  string $transformObj = createNode("-skipSelect", "-name", $name, "transform");
  refresh; // This is needed to finalize the createNode operation to stop the proc from becoming out of sync
  return $transformObj;

 global proc cleanStringArray(string $inputStringArray[])
  string $cleanArray[] = {};
  for($eachItem in $inputStringArray)
   if($eachItem != "") $cleanArray[size($cleanArray)] = $eachItem;

  $inputStringArray = $cleanArray;

 global proc string niceNameOf(string $inputObj)

 global proc string cullTrailingInts(string $inputString)
  int $intCount = size(match("[0-9]*$", $inputString));

  return (substring($inputString, 1, size($inputString) - $intCount ));


 global proc string adjustString( string $baseString, string $prefix, string $suffix, string $find, string $replace)
  if($find == "") return ($prefix + $baseString + $suffix);
  return ($prefix + substituteAllString($baseString, $find, $replace) + $suffix);

 global proc string[] filterObjectsByTypes(string $objects[], string $types[], int $evalShapeChildren)
  string $returnObjects[] = {};
  if(size($objects) == 0 || size($types) == 0) return $objects;
  for($eachObj in $objects)
   int $matches = 0;
   for($eachType in $types)
    $eachType = strip($eachType);
    if(objectType("-isAType", $eachType, $eachObj))
     $matches = 1;
    // This loop will be called if the evaluate shape children option is true
    // This way we're able to distinguish a transforms 'shape' type and process as needed
     string $shapeChildren[] = listRelatives("-fullPath", "-shapes", $eachObj);
     for($eachShape in $shapeChildren)
      if(objectType("-isAType", $eachType, $eachShape))
       $matches = 1;
   if(!$matches) $returnObjects[size($returnObjects)] = $eachObj;
  return $returnObjects;

// ---------- Utility procedures (Object Pointer System)

 global proc int attrSize( string $baseObject, string $attributeName)
  return getAttr("-size", ($baseObject + "." + $attributeName));

 global proc string createObjectPointer()
  global string $pointerObjString;
  string $groupObj = newTransform("__objPointer__");
  addAttr -ln $pointerObjString  -multi -at "message" $groupObj;
  return $groupObj;

 global proc addObjectsToPointer(string $objects[], string $pointer)
  if (size($objects) == 0 || $pointer == "") return;
  global string $pointerObjString;

  for($i = 0; $i < size($objects); $i++)
   connectAttr -f ($objects[$i] + ".message") ($pointer + "." + $pointerObjString + "[" + $i + "]");

 global proc string getObjectFromPointer(string $pointer, int $index)
  global string $pointerObjString;
  $pointer = longNameOf($pointer);
  string $returnObject = "";
  if (!attributeExists($pointerObjString, $pointer)) return $returnObject; // Attribute doesn't exist so return nothing
  string $listConnectionsResult[] = listConnections("-shapes", 1, "-connections", 1,
         ($pointer + "."+ $pointerObjString + "[" + $index + "]"));
  return longNameOf($listConnectionsResult[1]);

 global proc string[] getObjectsFromPointer(string $pointer)
  global string $pointerObjString;
  $pointer = longNameOf($pointer);
   string $returnObjects[] = {};
   if (!attributeExists($pointerObjString, $pointer)) return $returnObjects; // Attribute doesn't exist so return nothing
   int $attrSize = attrSize($pointer, $pointerObjString);

   // Scan attribute for all connected objects
   for($i = 0; $i < $attrSize; $i++)
    string $listConnectionsResult[] = listConnections("-connections", 1,
           ($pointer + "."+ $pointerObjString + "[" + $i + "]"));
    if ($listConnectionsResult[0] != "") // Skip blank entries
     $returnObjects[size($returnObjects)] = longNameOf($listConnectionsResult[1]);

   return $returnObjects;

// ---------- Core procedures

 global proc string[] renameObjects( string $objects[], string $newName, string $prefix, string $suffix,
      string $find, string $replace, string $typeMask, int $padding, int $cullTrailingInts)
  string $filterTypes[] = {};
  tokenize($typeMask, ",; :/\\|.-", $filterTypes);
  string $filteredObjects[] = $objects;

  $filteredObjects = filterObjectsByTypes($filteredObjects, {"shape"}, 0);

  $filteredObjects = filterObjectsByTypes($filteredObjects, $filterTypes, 1);

  string $pointerObj = createObjectPointer();
  addObjectsToPointer($filteredObjects, $pointerObj);
  string $newNames[] = {};
  string $originalNames[] = {};

  for($i = 0; $i < size($filteredObjects); $i++)

   // Set object names to "__tempName__"
   $originalNames[$i] = niceNameOf($filteredObjects[$i]);
   renameLong(getObjectFromPointer($pointerObj, $i), "__tempName__");

   // Establish base name
   string $baseString = $originalNames[$i];
   if($cullTrailingInts) $baseString = cullTrailingInts($baseString);
   if($newName != "") $baseString = $newName;
   int $offsetIndex = 0;

   int $maxLoopCount = size(ls());

   // Generate new name from options
   // If padding is used then loop over name until a unique name is found
   // $maxLoopCount is used to detect a Infinate loop
   string $eachName = (adjustString($baseString, $prefix, $suffix, $find, $replace) 
      + padInt($i, $padding));
   while(objExists($eachName) && $padding > 0)
    if ($offsetIndex > $maxLoopCount)
     print ("Attempting to Undo..\n");
     delete $pointerObj;
     warning "Renamed failed! - Infinite loop detected!";
     return {};
    $eachName = (adjustString($baseString, $prefix, $suffix, $find, $replace)
      + padInt(($offsetIndex + $i), $padding));

   $newNames[$i] = $eachName;

  // Finally exectue the rename operations
  for($i = 0; $i < size($filteredObjects); $i++)
   string $objectToRename = getObjectFromPointer($pointerObj, $i);
   renameLong($objectToRename, $newNames[$i]);

  string $renamedObjects[] = getObjectsFromPointer($pointerObj);

  delete $pointerObj;

  print ("// ----------- Rename details\n");

  for($i = 0; $i < size($filteredObjects); $i++)
   print ("\t" + $filteredObjects[$i] + "\n\t\t-> " + $renamedObjects[$i] + "\n\n");

  print ("// ----------- Success! Renamed " + size($renamedObjects) + " Objects\n");

  return $renamedObjects;


// ---------- UI procedures

 global proc renameObjectsUI()

  global string $renameObjectsWindow;
  if (window("-exists", $renameObjectsWindow)) deleteUI -window $renameObjectsWindow;
  $renameObjectsWindow = window(
      "-widthHeight", 306, 281,
      "-resizeToFitChildren", 1,
      "-sizeable", 1,
      "-title", "Rename Objects Advanced",

     rowColumnLayout -width 308 -numberOfRows 9;

      string $prefixCtrl = textFieldGrp(
          "-label", "Prefix",
          "-ann", "Prefix to final object names",
          "-cw", 1, 90,
          "-cw", 2, 208,
          "-text", "");

      string $newNameCtrl = textFieldGrp(
          "-label", "New Name",
          "-ann", "Override existing names with this string",
          "-cw", 1, 90,
          "-cw", 2, 208,
          "-text", "");

      string $suffixCtrl = textFieldGrp(
          "-label", "Suffix",
          "-ann", "Suffix to final object names",
          "-cw", 1, 90,
          "-cw", 2, 208,
          "-text", "");
      string $findCtrl = textFieldGrp(
          "-label", "Find",
          "-ann", "String to search for an replace",
          "-cw", 1, 90,
          "-cw", 2, 208,
          "-text", "");
      string $replaceCtrl = textFieldGrp(
          "-label", "Replace",
          "-ann", "What to replace the 'found' string with",
          "-cw", 1, 90,
          "-cw", 2, 208,
          "-text", "");
      string $typeMaskCtrl = textFieldGrp(
          "-label", "Exclude Types",
          "-ann", "Enter types of objects to exclude seperated by commas: i.e. camera, locator",
          "-cw", 1, 90,
          "-cw", 2, 208,
          "-text", "");
      string $paddingCtrl = intFieldGrp(
          "-numberOfFields", 1,
          "-label", "Padding",
          "-ann", "How much to pad integer suffix. 0 relies on Maya's default incrementing",
          "-cw", 1, 90,
          "-cw", 2, 30,
          "-value1", 0);
      string $cullIntsCtrl = checkBoxGrp(
          "-numberOfCheckBoxes", 1,
          "-cw", 1, 90,
          "-value1", 0,
          "-ann", "Delete trailing integers at the end of objects before renaming",
          "-label", "Clean Ints");


     rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 2
     -columnWidth 1 150
     -columnWidth 2 150;

      button -l "Cancel" -c "deleteUI -window $renameObjectsWindow;";
      button -l "Defaults" -c "renameObjectsUI();"
       -ann "Reset settings to defaults";

     rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 1
     -columnWidth 1 300;

      button -l "Apply (Selection)" -c ( "renameObjects("
           + "getSelection(),"
           + "(\"\" + textFieldGrp(\"-q\", \"-text\", \"" + $newNameCtrl +"\")), "
           + "(\"\" + textFieldGrp(\"-q\", \"-text\", \"" + $prefixCtrl +"\")), "
           + "(\"\" + textFieldGrp(\"-q\", \"-text\", \"" + $suffixCtrl +"\")), "
           + "(\"\" + textFieldGrp(\"-q\", \"-text\", \"" + $findCtrl +"\")), "
           + "(\"\" + textFieldGrp(\"-q\", \"-text\", \"" + $replaceCtrl +"\")), "
           + "(\"\" + textFieldGrp(\"-q\", \"-text\", \"" + $typeMaskCtrl +"\")), "
           + "(intFieldGrp(\"-q\", \"-value1\", \"" + $paddingCtrl + "\")), "
           + "(checkBoxGrp(\"-q\", \"-value1\", \"" + $cullIntsCtrl  + "\"))"
           -ann "Do rename!";

     string $form = formLayout("-numberOfDivisions", 100);
     string $website = text(
        "-width", 300,
        "-enable", false,
        "-font", "smallFixedWidthFont",
        "-bgc", 0.1, 0.2, 0.3,
        "-align", "center",
        "-label", "");

     formLayout -edit
         -attachForm     $website     "top"    -4

  showWindow $renameObjectsWindow;


// ---------- Entry



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